Assessment of Soil Quality for Agro-Diversification in Kaduna State, Nigeria
Soil properties, sustainable land use systems, agricultural productivity, cropsAbstract
Soil quality is the foundation of productive farming practices. This study assessed soil quality on different land use types to provide recommendations for agro-diversification in Kaduna State. Soil sampling was done along three value chain segments for agro-diversification, namely: (maize, ginger and dairy). In order to have a fair representation and good geographical spread, a total of six clusters were sampled purposively in the value chain segments as follows: dairy processing and production (Zango in Kaduna South LGA and Dorayi in Zaria LGA), maize production processing/production (Biye village in Giwa LGA and Anchau in Kubau LGA) and ginger production and processing (Kwoi in Jaba LGA and Kachia in Kachia LGA). A total of eighteen (18) soil samples were collected at two depths: top (0 – 20 cm) and sub-soil (20 – 40 cm) in the six clusters using an auger. The soil samples were air-dried in situ and packaged in well-labelled cotton bags to aid aeration and prevent soil moisture loss. It was taken to the Centre for Dryland Agriculture laboratory, Bayero University, Kano, for analysis after some in-situ soil temperature and colour investigations. In the laboratory, the soil is bulked, and 500g composite samples were obtained for testing pH, Phosphorus (P), Aluminum (Al), Iron (Fe), Zinc (Zn), Copper (Cu), Manganese (Mn), Sodium (Na), Potassium (K), Calcium (Ca) and Magnesium (Mg), electrical conductivity, total nitrogen, sulphur, and carbon. The findings of the study revealed that the SQI was found to be significantly higher in the ginger production/processing zone as recorded in Kachia ginger production (0.94) and Kwoi ginger processing (0.91), while Audi dairy production (0.81) and Zango Dairy processing (0.79) recorded least soil quality index. Therefore, This study recommended that Farmers apply synthetic fertilizer and organic manure to effectively recycle organic amendments on cultivated land.
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