Quantification of Pollution Index of Selected Heavy Metals in Agricultural Soils in Kafin Hausa Area, Northwest Nigeria
Heavy metals, pollution load index, Enrichment factor, Geo-accumulation index, Kafin Hausa, NigeriaAbstract
In this study, the level of heavy metals contamination in agricultural soils in Kafin Hausa, Nigeria, was investigated and characterised using the Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis technique via the Nigeria Research Reactor-1. Fifteen soil samples were collected from five different sampling sites and analysed for eight heavy metals: aluminium (Al), arsenic (As), barium (Ba), iron (Fe), holmium (Ho), potassium (K), magnesium (Mg), and rubidium (Rb). Heavy metal pollution indices were estimated using the geo-accumulation index (Igeo), enrichment factor (EF), contamination factor (CF), and pollution load index (PLI). The results showed that the mean Igeo indexes of Al (-3.09), As (-4.88), Ba (-0.89), Fe (-3.53), K (-2.20), and Mg (-4.95) were lower than zero, indicating that the soil of the studied region was uncontaminated by these metals. The mean EF of Ho was significantly higher than other metals, indicating that the soil is enriched with this metal. As (0.40) and Mg (0.36) had the lowest EF values. Similarly, the mean CF of all metals was lower than 1, suggesting minimal or low contamination. In contrast, Ho (1.60) exhibits the highest CF value, signifying moderate contamination. The PLI values for all metals were between 0.16 and 0.51, indicating that the studied area is unpolluted. There are strong correlations between all the elements, with p-values at 0.01 level, particularly for K – Rb, Ba – K, and Ba – Rb, with values ranging from 0.94 to 0.94. Hence, the results of this study suggest that the agricultural soils in Kafin Hausa are uncontaminated by heavy metals.
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