Retrospective Study on Condemned Carcass and Organ at Katsina Central Abattoir for a Period of 2013 to 2019
Goat, Carcass, Prevalence, Condemnation, Liver, FasciolosisAbstract
This study is being undertaken to investigate the historical data on condemned carcasses at the central abattoir in Katsina metropolis from 2013 to 2019. Throughout the course of the investigation, 1,518 animals were butchered in total. The primary objective is to investigate how frequently and frequently these organ and carcass condemnation reasons occur. To determine the frequency of carcass and organ condemnation in slaughtered cattle, sheep, goats, and camels, a seven-year retrospective data set from January 2013 to December 2019 was examined. The findings revealed that uterus, lungs, and liver had the largest prevalence of animal parts condemnation over the course of the study at 132 (74.5%), 34 (27.6%), and 36 (17.2%), respectively. Pregnancy (72.6%), pneumonia (12.7%), and fasciolosis (15.6%) were the major causes of the various organs condemned. There is statistically significant (p>0.05) relationship between the number of animals slaughtered, number of animal condemned par ts, and the causes of organ and carcass condemnation across the period studied. To minimize negative effects on public health and financial losses, strategies must be implemented to reduce the rate of animal parts condemnation.
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