Itchthyofaunal Composition, Abundance, and Diversity Indices in Zobe Reservoir of Katsina State, Nigeria
Abundance, Composition, Distribution, Ichthyofauna, Zobe ReservoirAbstract
Capture fishery is one of the dependable sources of fish protein and livelihood. This study investigated Ichthyofaunal diversity in Zobe reservoir for a period of twelve months (March 2020 to February 2021). Individual fishermen catch was used throughout the study period, where each of the five (5) Landing sites was visited twice monthly for catch assessment survey. Fish samples were randomly collected from 5 canoes/fishermen per sampling unit and catches examined. Thirteen (13) fish species (Clarias gariepinus, Oreochromis niloticus, Schilbe mystus, Synodontis membranaceous, niloticus, Bagrus docmac, Bagrus bayad, Alestes dentex, Tilapia Mozambique, Clarias anguilaris, Momyrus rume, Sarotherodon galileus, Alestes nurse and Tilapia zilli) belonging to eight genera from 7 families were observed. Oreochromis niloticus of the family Cichlidae was the most dominant species constituting 34.7%, 35.6%, 24.8%, 26.99%, and 27.3%, for Raddawa, Tabobi, Gada, Garhi, and Makera respectively, of the total catch in each fishing station of the reservoir. Diversity indices estimated from all the five stations include Shannon’s index of diversity index (H’); with a monthly range of 1.81 to 2.34, Simpson’s dominance index (C); 0.10 to 0.78, Simpson’s index (1-D); 0.10 to 0.78, Species evenness index (E); ranging from 0.596 to 1.00, species richness of Margalef’s index (d); 1.40 to 1.53, and reciprocal of Simpson’s index (D’); 1.29 to 9.96. Fish species are highly diverse with good species richness and evenness. This study validated the fisheries resources for commercial activity and fishery management of the reservoir. Therefore, stakeholders should utilize optimally and commercially the fishery resources for job creations.
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