Nutritional and Phytochemical Evaluation of Kanya (Diospyros mespiliformis) Juice: A Potential Functional Beverage for Enhanced Food Security
Kanya, underutilized crops, juice nutritional components, fruit juice, beverage drinksAbstract
Study’s Excerpt/Novelty
- This study provides an in-depth nutritional and phytochemical analysis of Diospyros mespiliformis, an underutilized fruit, assessing its potential as a functional beverage to improve food security and human nutrition.
- By evaluating both fresh and dried forms of the fruit for proximate, mineral, vitamin, and phytochemical content, the research offers comprehensive data on its nutritional value and antioxidant activity.
- Furthermore, the study highlights the fruit's potential to address malnutrition, serve as a cost-effective raw material for juice production, and contribute to health maintenance and disease prevention, including the management of osteomalacia due to its moderate calcium content.
Full Abstract
Diospyros mespiliformis is a fruit not used much but has remarkable micronutrients and a phytochemical composition that may improve food security and human nutrition. Diospyros mespiliformis is an indigenous wild- tree whose importance has not been fully explored. This study aimed to assess the nutritional qualities of kanya and kanya juice for potential usage as a functional beverage. Riped and dried samples of the fruits were collected from a forest in Wudil Kano state. Fruit pulp and fresh and dried kanya peel were assessed for their proximate and mineral contents using standard procedure. Juice from the fresh pulp, peel, and pulp and the dried pulp, peel, and pulp alone were made, and their phytochemicals, vitamins, physicochemical, antioxidant activity, and sensory qualities were analyzed. The results obtained from the proximate analysis were: moisture content (4.92 – 65.20%), Ash (0.44 – 0.88%), Fiber (0.29 – 2.60%), Fat (1.41 – 6.76%), Protein (0.90 – 6.86%) and Carbohydrate (31.72 – 86.56%). The mineral analysed were: Calcium (16.27 to 62.03 mg/100g), Potassium (495.55 – 1891.00mg/100g), magnesium (9.050 –9.841 mg/100g), Sodium (12.840 – 46.643mg/100g) and Zinc (0.534 – 1.111mg/100g) are both found in good amounts in kanya fruit. The Vitamins analysed were: Vitamin B1 (0.120 – 0.147mg/100g.), Vitamin B2 (0.03-0.071mg/100g), Vitamin B3( 1.68- - 4.29mg/100g), Vitamin B6(0.11- 0.277mg/100g) and Vitamin C (23.20- 45.92mg/100g). Phytochemicals analysed were: Flavonoids (4.941 – 5.369mg/100g), Tannins (27.649 – 94.434mg/100g), Alkaloids (90.511 – 0.562mg/100g), Saponins (18.760-256.000mg/100g), and Steroids (0.150-2.115mg/100g). The findings suggest that Diospyros mespiliformis fruit juice consumption could overcome malnutrition, maintain a healthy state, and prevent various diseases. Furthermore, the fruit can be used as new food ingredients for formulation. It is another less expensive source of raw materials for juice production, and juice is enjoyed for its unique qualities and sensory advantage. Its moderate calcium value could also be used to manage oesteomalacia.
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