Genetic Diversity Studies in Groundnut (Arachis Hypogaea L.) using Morpho-Physiological Traits
Cluster analysis, Non-stress, Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Water-stressAbstract
Study’s Excerpt/Novelty
- This study presents a novel screening of 107 groundnut genotypes for drought tolerance under controlled water-stress and non-stress conditions, providing a comprehensive evaluation of their morphological and physiological traits.
- Significant differences were identified, with genotypes ICGV-IS-07902, ICGX-5M-00017/5/P5/P2, and ICGV-IS-13978 emerging as the top performers in drought tolerance.
- These findings offer valuable baseline information for breeding programs aimed at enhancing groundnut production in drought-prone regions, suggesting specific genotypes for further development and potential variety release.
Full Abstract
The importance of leguminous crops such as groundnut cannot be overemphasized globally. Due to the increase in global warming, water scarcity threatens the environment, thereby affecting plant growth and metabolic activities in both semi-arid and arid zones of the world. Drought stress has severely hindered groundnut yield because pod yield and other growth characteristics have been severely affected. Therefore, mitigating this hindrance requires a conscious selection of suitable genotypes that could withstand drought threats to groundnut production. The study aimed to identify drought-tolerant genotypes suitable for the groundnut breeding program. One hundred and seven (107) groundnut genotypes were screened for drought tolerance during the 2018 dry season in a split-plot design under non-stress and water-stress conditions. The mean squares for the morphological and physiological traits showed a highly significant (P≤0.01) difference between the genotypes under water stress and combined conditions. The mean performance using the Rank Summation Index revealed ICGV-IS-07902 as the top-performing genotype, followed closely by ICGX-5M-00017/5/P5/P2 and ICGV-IS-13978 while RS006F4B1-45(B) was the least ranked under water stress condition. Based on the PCA ranking under water-stress conditions, genotypes ICGV-IS-13115, RS006F4B1-45®, ICGV-IS-07853, ICGV-IS-13989, and RS006F4B-534 were the top 5 drought tolerant while genotypes ICGV-IS-07828, 12CS-010, ICGV-IS-07809, RS006F4B1-45(B) and ICGV-IS-07904 were the least 5 drought susceptible. The genotypes ICGV-IS-13115, RS006F4B1-45®, ICGV-IS-07853, and ICGV-IS-13989 were observed to be better for drought tolerance with high pod yield. It is suggested that these genotypes could be recommended for further breeding and variety release adapted to drought conditions.
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