Ichthyofauna Diversity and Morphometric Analysis in an Anthropogenically Stressed Water Body Downstream of Jebba Dam, Nigeria
Fish composition, Jebba Dam, Legh-Weight RelationshipAbstract
Study’s Excerpt
- Fish composition and their growth parameters were studied in River Niger, downstream of Jebba Dam.
- The study aimed to checked human impact on fish diversity and their morphometric.
- Fish samples were collected using nets, hooks and lines by the fishermen.
- The fish samples collected were identified to species level, and their morphometric characteristics were also determined.
- Our findings showed that the River harbored diverse fish species while the morphometric analysis shows significant variations in the body shape and size of the fish species which could be attributed to environmental factors and human impacts.
Full Abstract
Fishery resources are on the decline due to incessant and unregulated fishery activities practiced in most parts of the globe. This study investigated the fish composition of an anthropogenically stressed water body in Nigeria (Downstream Jebba Dam). Samples were collected using standard methods and procedures. A total of 6,850 fish belonging to 17 families and 25 species were collected from the sampled stations. Fish composition shows the Mochokidae family with the most dominant species at 29.33% and represented Synodontis batensoda, which was well distributed in all the study stations but highest in the station with 934 individuals, while the Gymnarchidae family was the least recorded with 0.16% and represented Gymnarchus niloticus. Length-Weight relationship (LWR) value ranged between 0.0018 and 0.215 (b <3) for the dominant fish species, indicating negative allometric growth as the fish species grows in length faster when compared to the weight. In terms of mean condition factor (K of the dominant fish species of Downstream Jebba Dam, Cynothrissa mento had the highest with 10.09, followed by Oreochromis niloticus (9.82), Mugil cephalus (9.02), Labeo coubie (3.72), Bagrus bayad (0.90), Alestes macrolepidotus (0.52), Clarote laticeps (0.31), Momyrus rume (0.26), Clarias gariepinus (0.19) and Citharinus citharus (0.16). The high condition factor (>1) observed in some fish indicates that these fish species were physiologically stable and successful well, while those with less than (<1) mean value implied that it was physiologically unstable, as showed in some species. Overall, the medium abundance of fish species in this study is an indication of an impaired water system.
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