Effect of Variable Thermal Conductivity on Oscillatory Magnetized Couette Flow in a Channel Filled with Porous Material
Oscillatory Flow, Magnetized Flow, Couette Flow, Porous Material, Variable Thermal ConductivityAbstract
Study’s Excerpt
- The influence of temperature-dependent thermal properties on oscillatory magnetic Couette fluid flows within a porous channel is investigated.
- New analytical expressions for key fluid flow characteristics, including velocity, temperature, and concentration are provided.
- The findings revealed that variations in thermal conductivity enhance heat transfer efficiency, reduce thermal boundary layer thickness, and significantly affect temperature gradients.
Full Abstract
The primary purpose of this study is to determine how temperature-dependent thermal properties affect oscillatory magnetic Couette fluid flows in a channel containing porous materials. A regular perturbation approach was used to analytically characterize the flow fluid boundary conditions of the governing equations. The expressions of velocity, temperature, concentration, skin friction, Nusselt number, and Sherwood number have been obtained, and the results are displayed graphically for various controlling parameters of the models. The results show that varying thermal conductivity on fluid flow of the model of both Nu0 and Nu1 enhanced heat transfer efficiency, reduction in thermal boundary layer thickness of the fluid leading to an increase in convective heat transfer coefficient and increase in the temperature gradients near the bottom plate and near the top plate respectively.
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