Measurement of Radon Gas Concentration in Sources of Drinking Water in Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria Using Radon Detector (RAD-7)




Concentration, Drinking water, Radon, Makurdi, Permissible Limit, RAD-7


Study’s Excerpt

  • Radon gas contamination across diverse drinking water sources within Makurdi, Nigeria, was investigated.
  • The RAD-7 detector was used, and the results revealed elevated radon levels exceeding WHO limits in some specific locations.
  • There is a need for targeted risk mitigation strategies and continuous monitoring of Radon gas contamination in the area.

Full Abstract

Concern over radon gas's potential health risks when used or ingested in homes is growing, as is the issue with its presence in sources of drinking water.  In this study, water samples were collected from various locations in Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria, and the amount of radon gas present was measured using the Radon Detector (RAD-7).  The study used a methodical sampling strategy to gather water samples from wells, boreholes, and surface water bodies throughout various Makurdi locations.  The gathered water samples were examined using the RAD-7 detector, a trustworthy and sensitive device for measuring radon gas.  The radon levels ranged from trace levels (20.0 ) to higher quantities (122.0 ), raising worries about potential health implications for nearby people reliant on these water sources.  Thirty (30) samples of water were gathered for this investigation.  The samples' radon content ranged from 10.3 to 122.0 Bq L-1, which is within the World Health Organization's (WHO) allowable limit and other regulatory bodies (100 Bq L-1) except in the sample collected from Court 5 and Logo1, which was higher than the set limit.  The results of the analysis demonstrated that there were large variations within the range of 0.61  0.39-11.80  1.85 and a mean of 57.36  in the amounts of radon gas in the water samples obtained from the different sources.  More research and monitoring are advised to gain a complete understanding of radon distribution and to develop workable radon risk reduction plans for water sources. 


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How to Cite

Onoja, E. D., Onyekachi, G. A., Ejila, A. O., Okoh, P., & Jack, Z. K. (2024). Measurement of Radon Gas Concentration in Sources of Drinking Water in Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria Using Radon Detector (RAD-7). UMYU Scientifica, 3(3), 322–332.