Evaluating the Growth-Promoting potential of Nigella sativa (Habbatussauda) Seeds in Clarias gariepinus (Kullume)
aquaculture, Clarias gariepinus, growth, Nigella sativaAbstract
Study’s Excerpt:
- The findings indicated that whilst alkaloids, anthraquinones, flavonoids, steroids, and terpenoids were found in smaller amounts in N. sativa, tannins and saponins were found in significant proportions.
- 2 g/kg of N. sativa can be used to enhance the growth performance of catfish
- The study implies that N. sativa could be a promising natural supplement to increase the growth and health of farmed fish.
Full Abstract:
High demand, growing feed prices, and worries about synthetic medicine use are all posing problems for the aquaculture sector. In order to improve fish growth during times of scarcity, it is necessary to investigate particular natural products as substitutes. This study determined the effects of Nigella sativa seed extract on Clarias gariepinus growth. Accordingly, the phytochemicals in the extract of Nigella sativa seeds were screened. Experimental fish were acquired and randomly allocated into four (4) treatment groups in triplicate. Crude extracts of Nigella sativa were added to a basal diet that contained 35% crude protein at inclusion levels of 0.0g/kg, 1g/kg, 1.5g/kg, and 2g/kg. Growth performance and survival rate were assessed accordingly. Data were evaluated using one-way ANOVA to identify significant differences between treatment groups (p < 0.05). This study found that tannins and saponins were present in considerable quantities (++), while alkaloids, anthraquinones, flavonoids, steroids, and terpenoids were present sparsely (+). The 2 g/kg N. sativa group had the highest final growth weight (16.25 g), weight increase (12.45 g), and SGR (1.54%). The 2 g/kg group had a little higher FCR (7.75). In addition, the findings indicated a significant difference (P<0.05) between the 2 g/kg group, other treatment groups, and the control group in all growth parameters, with the exception of FCR. Furthermore, the study further revealed that Nigella sativa has a significant relationship with weight gained and FCR of catfish. The findings could have practical implications for using N. sativa as a natural supplement in aquaculture to increase resilience and health in farmed fish. Thus, more research into the toxicological and histopathological consequences of N. sativa seed extract on Clarias gariepinus is required.
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