Proximate analysis of some selected fish feeds marketed within Kano metropolis, Nigeria
Moisture content, Fish feeds, Crude protein, Crude lipid, Crude fibre, Ash contentAbstract
Fish feeds (Fish bolsters) are produced in form of flakes, pellets, or tablets designed to contain vegetables, proteins, cereals, vitamins, and minerals fundamental for ideal development and wellbeing of fishes. However, the scientific evaluation of the feeds compositions as claimed by most manufacturers is lacking in many parts within Nigeria. Proximate composition analyses were carried out in some selected fish feeds marketed within the Kano metropolis following the method of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists. The result of the proximate investigation showed the following composition: 7.28-11.16% ash, 6.10-12.26% moisture, 11.13-14.29% lipid, 3.01-5.61 % fibre, 37.45-44.30% protein and 20.26-27.70% carbohydrate. There was no critical distinction (p>0.05) noticed among the values of all the proximate compositions of the fish feeds studied. However, a few values exceeded the permissible limit, whereas the majority fell within limits set by relevant regulatory agencies. Considering that most of the feeds were within the permissible limit of regulatory bodies, it could be deduced that the fish feeds are safe for fish consumption.
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