Effects of Callosobruchus maculatus Infestation on the Proximate Composition of Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.) Sold in Lapai Market
Cowpea, Pest Infestation, Proximate Composition, Callosobruchus maculatus Vigna Unguiculata LAbstract
Cowpea damage caused by pest infestation is a major challenge to farmers and traders in Nigeria which request urgent response. This research is aimed primarily to evaluate the proximate composition and degree of infestation effect on cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) nutrients. The samples of cowpea were randomly collected in the Lapai market, refrigerated for a week to stop insect action and were separated into two categories, non-infestation (sample without exit hole) and infestation (samples with one, two and three exit holes), Samples were subjected to proximate composition and statistical analyses for variation in nutrient. Results show a rise in protein and moisture content in the sample without infestation. But shows a decrease in Carbohydrate, Fat, Fibre and Ash content in non-infested samples. For the infested sample, infestation leads to significant deterioration of nutrients of food products developed from cowpeas. The current result shows that pest infestations reduced nutritional benefits as a protein source in livestock and human diets.
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