Characterization and Delineation of Aquifer Potential Zones in Basement Terrain in Parts of Mani Town, Katsina State, Nigeria
Aquifer characteristics, Basement terrain, Hydraulic conductivity, Mani area, TransmissivityAbstract
Study’s Excerpt:
- Groundwater demand will strain reservoirs due to climate change and frequent droughts.
- A Vertical Electrical Resistivity (VES) survey identified aquifer potential zones.
- Five model curve types were generated, with H-type dominant.
- Aquifer units showed low to moderate potential.
- The geophysical approach proved highly effective for groundwater exploration.
Full Abstract:
Aquifer characteristics play a major role in the identification of potential zones. A geophysical investigation was carried out to characterize aquifer parameters and identify potential zones in Mani town of Katsina state utilizing Vertical Electrical Resistivity (VES) techniques. Aquifer parameters: aquifer resistivity, aquifer thickness, aquifer depth, transverse resistance, hydraulic conductivity, and transmissivity were evaluated in order to characterize and delineate aquifer potential zones for water supply. A total of 21 VES was carried out using the Schlumberger electrode array. Five model curve types were generated with the percentage distribution in the order of H > A > QH > HA > AK for the modeled curve types. The aquifer layer was identified mostly along the third layer with resistivity values ranging from 34.08 to 331 Ώm, and aquifer thickness ranged from 4.37 m to 19.5 m, with depth to the aquifer ranging from 30.2 to 54.8 m. The transverse resistance (R) of the study area ranged from 274.07 to 5343 Ωm2. Hydraulic conductivity ranged from 1.724 – 14.371 m/day with an average value of 4.768 m/day. The transmissivity (Tr) value ranges from 9.972 – 119.854 m2/day, with an average value of 46.574 m2/day. The potentiality of the aquifer units of the study area indicated low to moderate potential zones. VES 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7 were recommended for groundwater exploration and management.
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