On Power Graph Representation of Γ_1-nonderanged Permutation Group





Group, permutation group, nonderanged permutation group, power graph, adjacency matrix


Study’s Excerpt:

  • An undirected power graph representation of -nonderanged permutation group has been constructed.
  • Ithas been proved that  is connected for any  and is neither regular nor complete except at
  • The adjacency matrix of some selected graphs together with pictorial representations was also

Full Abstract:

A -nonderanged permutation group  is a permutation group such that  where . In this paper, an undirected power graph representation of -nonderanged permutation group denoted by  has been studied. It was proved, among other things, that the graph  is connected for any  and is neither regular nor complete except at  Also, the maximum degree of  is  and the girth is three (3) for any while the diameter is one (1) for  and two (2) for. Furthermore, the central vertex of the graph was proved to be  for any and while the peripheral vertex is  for p > 5. Lastly, the adjacency matrix of some selected graphs and their graphical representations were given to support our findings.

Author Biography

Anas Yusuf, Department Of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Federal University, Birnin Kebbi, P.M.B. 1157, Kebbi State, Nigeria

Anas Yusuf Lecturer Department of Mathematics, Federal University, Birnin Kebbi Verified email at fubk.edu.ng - Homepage Functional AnalysisOrder Theory


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How to Cite

Yusuf, A., & Umar, A. (2025). On Power Graph Representation of Γ_1-nonderanged Permutation Group. UMYU Scientifica, 4(1), 53–61. https://doi.org/10.56919/usci.2541.006

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