A Study of Natural Radionuclides in Frequently Consumed Foodstuffs in Ode-Irele, Ondo State, Nigeria
Radionuclides activity, Gamma-ray spectrometer, Dose, ConcentrationAbstract
Identifying the natural radionuclides in frequently consumed foodstuffs has attracted research interests from many researchers. In this study, we reported the quantities of natural radionuclides in frequently consumed foods in the community of Ode-Irele in Ondo State, Nigeria. Data obtained for this study were analysed using the gamma-ray spectrometer. Careful examination of six (6) different foodstuffs obtained at random for four (4) different times from the community’s local market was done: all of them were discovered to be rich in Th-232, U-238 and K-40. The activity concentrations of the foodstuffs ranged from 58.21±5.93 Bqkg-1 to 1.91±0.41 Bqkg-1 with a mean value of 11.74±1.22 Bqkg-1 for Th-232, 41.82±9.48 Bqkg-1 to 3.12±0.39 Bqkg-1 with a mean value of 12.38±2.27 Bqkg-1 for U-238 and 1854.12±126.83 Bqkg-1 to 134.72±12.62 Bqkg-1 with mean value of 280.22±30.08 Bqkg-1 for K-40. The minimum and maximum dose rates discovered from the foodstuffs are respectively 8.03nGyh-1 and 132.35nGyh-1. The mean value of all absorbed dose rates (28.99nGyh-1) was found to be less than the world average limit of 55.0nGyh-1. Comparison of the annual committed effective doses determined from the mean of the natural radionuclides (0.155mSvy-1) in the foodstuffs to the global recommended limit (1mSvy-1), showed that the frequently consumed foods by the people in the community posed no important radiation-related risk to them.
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