Comparative Study on the Effect of Biofertilizer, Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers on Chlorophyll and Moisture Contents of Pennisetum typhoides
Biofertilizer, crop, millet, mycorrhiza, NPKAbstract
The most prevalent type of mycorrhiza are arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). in plants and have been used as biofertilizer due to its ability to capture and supply water and nutrients to plants. In this study, investigations were carried out to ascertain the effect of biofertilizer (AMF), organic (cow dung) and inorganic fertilizers (NPK) on chlorophyll and moisture contents of pearl millet crop. Experiments were conducted in greenhouse and treatments arranged in a Complete Randomized Block Design. The treatments were replicated four times each and monitored for chlorophyll concentration and shoot moisture contents as it affects crop yield. The chlorophyll a concentration varied from 0.92 mg/g to 1.18 mg/g, while the plants treated with NPK fertilizer exhibited highest chlorophyll a (1.18 mg/g). It was followed by the control (1.15mg/g) and organic manure. The plants inoculated with biofertilizer had the infinitesimal chlorophyll a (0.92mg/g). However, for chlorophyll b, plants treated with biofertilizer (1.01mg/g), organic manure (1.09mg/g) and NPK (1.26mg/g) exhibited higher content than in control plants that had the lowest (0.53mg/g) value. Statistics revealed that there was no discernible difference. (P<0.05) between leaves chlorophyll contents in plants treated with organic manure and NPK fertilizer. Millet treated with organic manure, biofertilizer and the control did not significantly (P<0.05) differ from one another with respect to shoot moisture contents. Although NPK had more chlorophyll contents, biofertilizer promoted more grain yield (2030 grains /m2) than all the treatments. Findings from this study indicated that biofertilizer can alternatively be used for better yield when organic and inorganic fertilizers are costly and unaffordable to peasant farmers. Further studies on biofertilizer are recommended to provide effective formulations for improved crop growth and better yield.
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