Assessment of Surface Water Physicochemical Variables and Macrophytes Diversity in Sokoto and Rima Rivers, Nigeria
Fresh water bodies,, Groundwater, Quality, Physicochemical, Toxins, Contaminants, Water, Water Quality, Physico-chemical parametersAbstract
The Sokoto and Rima Rivers are vital water bodies in Nigeria, supporting local ecosystems and communities. This study aimed to investigate various physical and chemical parameters of the water, as well as the diversity of macrophytes present in the Sokoto and Rima Rivers. Standard methods of determining physicochemical parameters and surveys of macrophytes were adopted. Results obtained revealed that temperature and depth were found to be the most influential factors on macrophytes distribution. In Sokoto River, average temperature ranged from 27.00℃ to 27.30℃, and average depth from 285 to 295 meters at both stations A and B. In Rima River, average temperature varied from 25.85℃ to 26.50℃, and average depth ranged from 730 to 735 meters at both stations A and B. Emergent species were dominant among the 20 identified macrophyte species, with 18 species, while free-floating and submerged species each represented one species. This research contributes to understanding the ecological health of the Sokoto and Rima Rivers, guiding conservation efforts, informing water resource management, and identifying potential impacts on human activities in these areas. Ultimately, the goal is to support sustainable development and protect these valuable natural resources for the long term.
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