Corrosion Inhibition and Adsorption Behaviour of Centrosema pubescens Leaf Extract for Copper in HCl Solution
Inhibitor, Weight loss, Copper, Adsorption isothermAbstract
Study’s Excerpt
- In this study, Centrosema pubescens leaf extract (CPE) has been confirmed as eco-friendly and efficient green inhibitor for copper corrosion in hydrochloric acid.
- Detailed thermodynamic analysis, revealed that CPE adsorption follows a Freundlich isotherm model.
- SEM-EDX and FTIR characterizations confirmed the formation of a protective layer confirming the potentials of the plant extracts in sustainable corrosion prevention.
Full Abstract
The anti-corrosion behaviour of Centrosema pubescens leaf extract (CPE) on copper in 1.5 M hydrochloric acid was investigated using weight loss method at different temperatures, followed with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) surface characterization connected with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). The Fourier transform infrared spectrum of CPE was obtained. CPE inhibition effectiveness depends on the temperature and its concentration. CPE restrains the copper corrosion with 94.26 % inhibition efficiency at 1.0 g/L of CPE and at 303 K. For the CPE-inhibited system, a higher activation energy (Ea) value (range of 31.09 to 38.70 kJmol-1) compared to 20.34 kJmol-1 of the blank solution was obtained. The reaction process is spontaneous and endo thermic, as indicated by the ΔH, ΔS and ΔG values calculated. CPE adsorption behaviour fitted best into Freundlich isotherm.
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