Review on Bacteria Associated with Metal Rusting
Microorganisms, Degradation, Corrosion, MIC, Metal rustingAbstract
Study’s Excerpt/Novelty
- This review provides an overview of microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC), emphasizing the significant role of bacteria in accelerating metal deterioration across various industries.
- It highlights the complex survival mechanisms bacteria employ in metal-polluted environments, contributing to the corrosion process.
- The study advocates for an interdisciplinary approach to understanding and mitigating MIC while suggesting future studies to prevent and control rusting.
Full Abstract
Metal rusting, also known as corrosion, is the deterioration of a material's characteristics, particularly metals, caused by chemical or electrochemical reactions in the surrounding environment. It consists of the interaction of iron or steel with atmospheric oxygen and moisture, resulting in the creation of iron oxide (rust). Bacteria have an important impact on the development and advancement of metal corrosion. microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC), is becoming increasingly problematic as it affects multiple materials and industries in society. MIC demonstrates the possible negative effect that microorganisms may cause to a substance. Different categories of bacteria, such as sulfate reducing, sulfate oxidizing, slime forming, and iron oxidizing, are active bacteria involved in bio-corrosion. The bacteria have evolved different ways to survive in the metal-polluted surroundings, including an efflux system pump, complexation/stabilization, enzymatic transformation/detoxification, and plasmid mediation. Effective management of microbial corrosion in different industrial and environmental settings requires the integration of microbiology, materials science, and corrosion engineering. This paper highlights the crucial role of microbiologically driven corrosion, which leads to the deterioration of different materials and consequential economic losses. Furthermore, it highlights future studies that aim to gain a thorough understanding of the mechanisms behind bacterial-induced corrosion and develop strategies to prevent and control rusting.
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