Frequency of Residual Biocide-Resistant Gram-Negative Bacteria in Wastewater Samples from Different Irrigated Farms in Kano State
Biocide, Wastewater, Pollutants, Cypermethrin, TriclosanAbstract
Study’s Excerpt
- This study investigates bacteria in wastewater using biochemical characterizations techniques.
- Biocides were also detected in the wastewater which likely result from inadequate treatment and chemical pollution.
- Its presence produce selective pressure, promoting the development of biocide-resistant gram-negative bacteria.
- Investigating resistant bacteria is vital to assessing wastewater's ecological and public health risks.
Full Abstract
The sustainability of water resources is increasingly compromised by anthropogenic activities, including industrial and agricultural processes that introduce such as biocides into the environment. This study investigates the presence and frequency of residual biocide-resistant Gram-negative bacteria in wastewater samples from irrigated farms in Kano State, Nigeria. Over six months, 36 wastewater samples from streams in Kwakwachi Fagge LGA and 12 control samples from boreholes of the Center for Drylands Agriculture (CDA) Bayero University Kano were collected and analyzed for physicochemical parameters and bacterial load. Physicochemical analysis revealed significant variations in parameters such as pH, Electrical Conductivity, Total Suspended Solids, and Turbidity across different sampling locations. Notably, downstream locations exhibited higher pollutant levels, likely due to accumulated agricultural runoff and domestic effluents. The bacteriological analysis identified various Gram-negative bacteria, including Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Pseudomonas fluorescens, with a notable presence of biocide-resistant strains. The study also detected Cypermethrin in wastewater samples, while Triclosan was absent, indicating possible degradation or effective removal during wastewater treatment processes. The findings underscore the need for improved wastewater management practices to mitigate the contamination of water resources used for irrigation. Additionally, the study highlights the public health risks associated with the use of contaminated water, emphasizing the importance of regular monitoring and stringent regulation of water quality in Agricultural settings.
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